1-2 Year Old (mE & mY sHADOW)
This class is perfect for toddlers with lots of energy and willingness to try new things. In this class, the young athletes accompanied by their parents will be able to roam through and utilize a course designed to test their motor skills and help them learn how to roll. Both the instructor and the parents will be working with the athletes to keep them active and engaged!
Daytime, early evening & Sunday class availability
2-4 Year old
(Move & Grove)
A fun class that will keep 2-3-year-old athletes engaged while learning how to listen to instruction. This class includes basic motor skill development, learning it's okay to go backward, forward rolls, free play, games, music, and parachute time that stimulates cognitive development and physical and social skills. Parent and child interaction throughout the session as needed.
Daytime, early evening & Sunday class availability

(Nano Ninjas)
This class is designed for your active young ones! We will set up a course on our spring floor that will help them build strength, gain balance, and build the confidence to overcome their fear. We will learn how to jump from high places and land safely as well as roll after a landing. Body control is what we are focused on in this class to prepare them for other situations in life!
Daytime, early evening & Sunday class availability
4-6 Year old
(Pre-k fun & Tumbling)
Tumbling class that will keep 4-5-year-old athletes engaged while learning how to listen to instruction without their parents present. This class will develop muscle coordination and learn how to isolate muscle groups for tumbling shapes. We will continue to work forward and backward rolls and introduce them to headstands and handstands. Through games and conditioning drills they will get a healthy dose of social skills as well! Minimal to no parent and child interaction throughout the session.
Daytime, early evening & Sunday class availability